The Assembly approved a resolution that demands resources to the Government to face the corona virus pandemic.
Quito- After a long virtual session, the National Assembly, this Tuesday, approved a resolution with 17 points; this centralizes the preoccupation for the lack of Resources for health and food during the sanitary emergency for coronavirus.
It presents its solidarity with the victims, and insists the Government to suspend the payment of external debt temporarily. The legislature installed a virtual session for the first time before the sanitary emergency. Each legislator got connected from their domicile online.
It started at 11:45am and finished at 17:30; 14 members did not participate.
Among what is was approved, it is a request of the regime to give an additional bonus of contingency for the staff of the healthcare sector. It will be equivalent to a basic salary (400 dollars), as a fair recognition to those who are on the first lines protecting the health and life of all Ecuadorians.
The demand of a compromise to the private financial system before productive and consumption credits. In the document, the Parliament expresses its solidarity to people and their relatives affected by COVID-19; it thanks the armed forces and national police, to the workers of the strategic sectors, and those who are part of the food chain, to guarantee the supply of food, the basic services and healthcare system operation.Furthermore, they propose the government to call the State Safety council for it to coordinate together with the other state branches to adopt measures and actions needed to face the emergency, within the frame of the Public Security and State Law.
During the debate, there were proposals like the one done by Homero Castanier (CREO), so none of the Ecuadorians could be included in the Risk Central Unit due to the sanitary emergency; the proposal of Vicente Taiano (PSC) so the assembly can go beyond solidarity and establish a work agenda to include concrete actions to reactive the economy once the crisis passes.The legislator Mae Montaño (ex-CREO) suggested to donate two days of the members and advisors’ salary to create a fund destined to food of vulnerable people in this emergency; also, Wilma Andrade (ID-BID), proposed to postpone the deferral for three months, of the credit card payments.The legislator José Serrano (AP-Aliados) sent a warning to the functionaries of the Regime, although he did not give names.
He said they must be careful not to be considered criminals for their actions or omissions during the sanitary emergency for coronavirus. While Hector Muñoz (SUMA) suggested that the legislature leads a convergence table for the economy reactivation and the productive development, where all sectors compromise to give before the pandemic crisis.
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